“11 Incredible Coworking Statistics That Will Make You Leave Your Cubicle”
With my unrivaled IT skills, I have cleverly taken this infographic by Wix and Officevibe
featured in the Huffington Post, cut it up into 11 separate pieces in Paint (I know… high
tech af) and regurgitated the content below. Read carefully!
By 2020 40% of the workforce is expected to consist of freelancers, temps, independent
contractors, solopreneurs and other remote workers. That is a significant figure not only
for people in the startup community, but also for larger companies. If they direct their
telecommuters or the remote workers they outsource tasks to towards coworking spaces
(rather than have them work from home or, say, coffee shops), they could benefit from
better results, too. Read on to see how.
A whopping 70% of coworkers report that they feel a lot healthier after starting work at
a coworking space. This is probably because the stress levels are so much lower than in
a standard office setting or maybe because a lot of coworking spaces put a special focus
on healthy eating and exercising. Whatever the reason, the results speak for themselves!
And the healthier we are, the more productive we are! Everyone wins!
Conservative suits would find this one hard to believe, but 64% of coworkers share that
they are more successful in completing their tasks on time. If you rely on independent
contractors for your company’s business, then this is very key information for you!
Just like when you go to the gym you tend to push yourself a lot harder (because you’re
surrounded by other motivated gym-goers) than when you’re at home alone, coworkers
tend to focus better when surrounded by like-minded, driven entrepreneurs. And better
concentration means tasks are completed to a higher standard!
That is a hefty percentage, but as someone who works at a coworking space, I can’t say
I’m surprised. The environment is indeed different. A good different. Being sociable
and friendly seems to be the norm. Everyone feels like they’re a part of a bigger
community thanks to all the organized events that bring them together and give them
plenty of time to bond with fellow coworkers. Go team!
This one’s closely related to the previous point. After being given ample opportunity to
socialize within the community, coworkers feel supported and confident enough to go
out into the world and make new contacts. An entire 91% of those surveyed admit to
having better interactions with others after joining a coworking space.
Not only do coworkers feel less stressed at the workplace, but they take that attitude
back home as well. It turns out that 60% of them have a better work-life balance. So
leave your cubicle and start coworking now – for the sake of your spouse, your kids and
your mini pig Alejandro.
Quite an understandable statistic as coworking is a relatively new philosophy and most
people in the independent professions are under 40, however that doesn’t mean age is
a defining characteristic. The other 22% of coworkers are equally important and just as
well-received in these communities. In fact, they are quite important members as they
would probably have more experience and have valuable advice to give.
Superheroes are born in coworking spaces. Fact. Okay, maybe not. But people do feel
more motivated and therefore more confident. Being surrounded by equally driven
individuals who are there to support you and lift your spirits when you feel down gives
you the energy to keep fighting and to believe in yourself more!
Here’s a big one! For those that like to see their results in stacks… of money. Again due
to the better surroundings in a coworking space compared to, say, your grandma’s
basement, where your neighbors are Ratatouille and his boys, except they don’t even
cook! You’re free to turn to your fellow coworker for help or go play a game of ping
pong to clear your head and get those creative juices flowing. Result!
Okay, show of hands: how many of you have pulled an all-nighter? Those of you with
your hands down are show-offs and no one likes you or your organizers full of neatly
ordered sticky notes. Just kidding, we love everyone, we’re all a big happy family!
Anyway, coworking spaces are perfect for those self-professed night owls (70% to be
exact). I mean, I get that. Not everyone can necessarily get tough and get going at 9 AM
sharp. That’s ludicrous! Hence why 24/7 access is a thing for most coworking spaces.
Convenience is key.
Original post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeff-fermin/11-incredible-coworking-
Infographic: https://www.officevibe.com/blog/11-incredible-coworking-statistics-
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